
Showing posts with the label dermal filler

Can Undereye Lines Be Removed with Laser Treatment?

As clichéd as it may sound, but our eyes are the “mirror of the soul”. Your eyes are inevitably the first thing people lay their eyes on when they meet you for the first time. For this reason, most of us would like our eyes to stay lifted and youthful for as long as possible. Unfortunately, the natural process of aging is harsh on your eyes. In fact, first signs of aging appear on the eyes because the skin around our eyes is extremely thin and delicate. Furthermore, we abuse our eyes a lot more than other part of the body. We spend most of our waking moments using the computer and mobile phones, forgetting to give our precious eyes a good break. So why do fine lines appear under the eyes and can laser treatment erase the fine lines under your eyes effectively? We get the inside scoop from Dr. Siew Tuck Wah, Medical Director from Radium Medical Aesthetics as he tells us more about the aging of the eyes and if it can be reversed with laser treatments. Aging Process of t

What You Need To Know About Dermal Filler Liquid Facelift

One of the few certainties in life is that we will undergo aging and the quality of our skin reduces over time. With the technological advances in medical sciences, there are currently many options to rejuvenate aging skin without resorting to surgery. One of the most popular non-surgical treatments is 'liquid facelift'.  Liquid facelift is sometimes called “non-surgical facelift” because all it takes is about 30 minutes at the doctor’s office to restore volume and soften wrinkles and fine lines without the need to go under the knife. If you are considering a  liquid facelift in Singapore , Dr. Siew Tuck Wah from Radium Medical Aesthetics shares with us everything you need to know about this procedure so that it keeps you looking your best. How is liquid facelift administered? Liquid facelift is a non-surgical technique that experienced doctors use to lift saggy skin and smoothen out deep wrinkles and fine lines. Doctors often use a combination of dermal fille

Stem Cells Derived From Fat Cells Could Make You Look Younger

Hate becoming fat and feel ashamed of having to carry the extra weight with you all the time? The good news is that one day in the foreseeable future, that paunch you hope to get rid of could be your cure for degenerative tissue by injury, disease or aging.  For a long time, scientists have suspected that adipose tissue can be used to extract stem cells for the purpose of creating regenerative medicine. According to them, fat tissue has a lot of blood vessels, which is an important criterion for harvesting stem cells.  In an unprecedented study conducted in Australia, scientists have figured out a way to harvest fat tissue from the human body and convert them to stem cells so that they can potentially be used to repair degenerating tissue in the body. This idea came about when the scientists were curious about the way salamanders are able to regenerate their lost limbs so quickly. They spent some time studying the salamanders and found that the key to regenerate lost limb

Things You Need to Know Before Getting Lip Fillers

No one is born with perfect facial features. In pursuit of perfection, researchers have found a way to measure and define the perfect face. A perfect face is one that fits the golden ratio proportions i.e. 1 to 1.618. Many aesthetic doctors are guided by the definition of golden ratio proportions to alter carry out aesthetic treatments. They try to augment their clients' features to bring their features as close to the golden ratio as possible.  Just less than a decade ago, cosmetic surgery was a popular option for people who wanted to reverse signs of aging or augment their facial features. With the advancement of non-surgical aesthetic procedures, dermal fillers are now taking over the industry by storm because of its convenience and visible results in achieving facial perfection.  One particular treatment that is popular among ladies is lip fillers. Lip filler treatment is a non-surgical treatment to improve the contours of ill-defined lips using Hyaluronic Acid (HA). I