Acne Scar Management: Causes and Treatments
Every year, acne affects more than 50 million people in America alone. Although the number of people who have acne is alarming, it does not get as much attention as other chronic diseases because people see it as a cosmetic problem. For most people, acne begins around puberty and grow out of it by the time they are n their mid-20s. However, some people may continue to get acne until they are in their 30s, 40s or beyond. In fact, some people may also get acne for the first time as an adult. What causes acne? Picture this - There are about 2,500 to 6,000 sebaceous glands per square of the skin. These glands secrete an oily matter called sebum. When sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria are stuck in the pores or hair follicles, inflammation may occur, leading to acne. Sometimes when there is a breakage in the wall of the pore, deeper lesions may occur, resulting in more serious inflammation of the skin. These blockages and inflammation of the pores result in ...